"In diesen Bildern finden wir gewissermaßen die Phantasie, die der Westen noch zugelassen hat - wenn auch nur um immer neue Absurditäten zu erfinden, mit dem Ziel, auf die Verlogenheit des schönen Scheins hinzuweisen - und der Realismus, dessen Tradition im Osten ungebrochen war, wieder zusammen."
Ravski.com is a non-profit initiative. It is built by admirers of Alexej Ravski's work of art, with approval and assistance of Mr. Ravski.
With this, we hope to introduce his work to a larger audience and to be of service to like-minded visitors.
Also, we would like to encourage anyone, who has relevant information on Alexej Ravski and / or his work of art, to contact us.
Some content on this site has been gathered from the internet. We acknowledge all sources in mentioning them under acknowledgement. Should an author express any objections, the information in question will be removed as soon as possible. All pictures provided by Mr. Ravski are protected by copyright. Please contact us if you wish to use pictures or other content from our site.
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